Rim Seal Fire. CFI rim seal fire protection The system is a combined detection and extinguishing system It consists of stainless steel circular piping with glass bulb detectors/sprayers installed in the rim seal area on the floating roof pontoon of the storage tank In case of a fire heat will cause one or more glass bulb detectors/sprayers to open and the CFI extinguishing gas is released by the detector/sprayer directly into the fire.

Rim Seal floating roof tank fires represent one of the most dangerous threats for chemical and petrochemical storage farms Industry data base shows that the oil industry has experienced several rim seal fires worldwide and some of them have developed into very large disasters The causes of such disasters start with a rim seal fire that breaks out and grows undetected to a point that it spreads over the whole seal area and therefore the floating roof tank becomes surrounded by fire.
Rim Seal Systems – Sa Fire Protection
Rim Seal Area Fire Protection System (RAFP) Rim area fire detection & suppression systems designed to provide a rapid firefighting measure used to detect and suppress fire events when occurring at the rim area of floating roof storage tanks in early stages before creating a developed fire event Worldwide studies show the causes of a fire event on floating roof storage tanks can be caused by absence of adequate detection system to trigger a fixed suppression system.
CFI rim seal fire protection CFI rim seal fire protection
The complete Automatic Rim Seal Fire Detection and Extinguishing system detects even incipient fire through Linear Heat Sensor (LHS) Cables The extinguishing vessels are permanently pressurised with nitrogen and delivers foam on to the rim seal area through discharge nozzles within very short time duration of fire detection.
SISTEMI RIM SEAL Sa Fire Protection
installed along the protected seal arc When a fire break out in the rim seal zone the tube melts and create a pressure drop sensed by the actuator which instantly releases the extinguishing agent The foam solution is then directed into the distribution circuit and discharged on the seal The system is calculated to discharge in a very short time.
Protection System Rim Seal Fire Fire Safety Search
Rim Seal Area Fire Protection System (RAFP)
Rim Seal Protection, Rim Seal Fire Protection System
Rim Seal Fire Protection Fire Safety Search
Rim Seal Fire Protection systems prevent a rim seal fire outbreak from the very early stages of its development Rim Seal and Floating Roof Tank fire protection systems help protect against these high risk fires Storage Tank Fires and Roof Tank Fires are high risk threats for industrial facilities like petrochemical and chemical storage plants Fixed industrial Fire Suppression Systems & Automatic Fire Suppression Systems control and extinguish fires in buildings without human intervention.