Pro Cfw 6.60 C2. (PROUPDATE is included with 660 PROC Fix3 download) If you have Prometheus 550 CFW installed you might need to edit the “versiontxt” before you cna move on with the guide The PSP Custom Firmware 661ProC2 will work on all PSP models from the original PSP to the PSP Go and even the E1000 all you need is to be running the official 660 or 661 firmware to.

PSP CFW 660 PROC2 PSP OFW 660(if your already in 660 no need to download this) 660 PRO C2 Feautures Homebrew Compatible Run your own unsigned applications both user and kernel mode Plugin Compatible Add new features to your PSP via kernel mode background plugins ISO / CSO Game Dump Playback Backup your own UMD discs via USB.
PSP 6.20 / 6.35 / 6.39 / 6.60 PROC2 LCFW released – Atma
I also use CFW 660 PRO C2 STUCK IN SETTING MENU PSX CFW 660 PRO C • After it finishes it will autoexit back to the XMB • You can now delete all of thePBP files off of your Memory card/GO’s internal memory (in the root) as well as the POPSLoader Installer folder (in /PSP/GAME/).
PSP Custom Firmware PROC2 [6.61/6.60/6.39/6.35/6 …
Working on PSP 100020003000Go and E1000if your using PSP 1000 and 2000 use the CIPL_FLASHER(Permanent)if your using PSP 3000Go or E1000 use the Fast Reco.
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660 PROC2 CFW Publication date 20150214 Topics psp firmware PSP Custom firmware Extract the ZIPArchive and copy everything to your “PSP/GAME” folder Run the “660 PROC Updater” from the XMB and install the CFW To make the CFW permanent run the CIPLFlasher Tool Addeddate 20170125 063109 Identifier 660PROC214022015 Scanner Internet.
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PROC2 (Permanent/SemiHack) PSP 1000/2000 PSP CFW 6.60
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6.61/6.60/6.39/6.35/6.20 PROC2 (14022015)
PSP Custom Firmware 6.006.61 .Club
661/660/639/635/620 PROC2 (14022015) + Yoti mod Here is PROC2 from the latest commit on the Pro CFW repo 16122014 The CIPL flasher is left out intentionally for 661 (causes a brick) Files named with the commit date from.