Koran 3 28. Sahih Bukhari 347766 See also Sahih Bukhari 348853 Sahih Muslim 83451 & Sahih Muslim 83452 Abu Dawud AtTayalisi recorded that Ibn `Abbas said “Sawdah feared that the Messenger of Allah might divorce her and she said `O Messenger of Allah!.
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Surah AlMa’idah(المائدة) 590 O believers! Intoxicants gambling idols and drawing lots for decisions1 are all evil of Satan’s handiwork So shun them so you may be successful.
Surah AlHujurat 13 Quran.com
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The Quran (3 130) condemns riba (which is usually translated as “interest”) “O you who believe! ISBN 9789833855285 AlAmine Muhammad alBashir Muhammad (2008) Risk Management in Islamic Finance An Analysis of Derivatives Instruments in Commodity Markets Leiden Brill ISBN 9789004152465 Ali S Nazim (2008) “Islamic finance and economics as.
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Qur’an, Hadith and Scholars:Aisha WikiIslam
Surah AlMa’idah 90 Quran.com
Quran in English and Arabic, with Recitations. القرآن
Surah AlHujurat(الحجرات) 4913 O humanity! Indeed We created you from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another.