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Equivalent Grades of Ductile iron (SG Iron Nodular Graphite Iron) Refer to ironfoundrycom ISO ISO 1083 40015 40018 45010 5007 6003 7002 8002 9002 China GB 1348 QT40018 QT45010 QT5007 QT6003 QT7002 QT8002 QT9002 USA ASTM A536 604018 604210 654512 705005 805506 806003 1007003 1209002 — Germany Austria DIN 1693.
ISO Beauty Flat Irons/Straighteners – Page 4
This document specifies eight grades of grey cast iron according to tensile strength (see Table 1) and six grades of grey cast iron according to Brinell hardness (see Table 2) This document does not apply to grey cast irons used for pipes and pipe fittings and continuous cast products This document does not cover technical delivery conditions for grey iron castings NOTE General.
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The Iron Iso II is a playable unit in Metal Slug Attack first appearing in the Guild Ops “Snatch Wars”Its parts are currently available thru the Mars Shop it may also be a part of a Level Up Sale It functions exactly like the original model having a slight health and damage increase over it and is built by the MinerThe Miner takes slightly longer building the Iron Iso II since he also.
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ISO ISO 185:2020 Grey cast irons — Classification
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ISO 185:2005(en), Grey cast irons ? Classification
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Equivalent grades of gray iron, ductile iron, sg iron
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Page 2 ISO Beauty Flat Irons/Straighteners –
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ISO ISO 3082:2009 Iron ores — Sampling and sample
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ISO ISO/TC 102 Iron ore and direct reduced iron
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