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Bismillah Assalamualaikum Silentconfess Twitter from
BISMILLAH ASSALAMUALAIKUM In today’s blog I am going to review “WHERE DO I SEE MYSELF AFTER FIVE YEARS?” Thinking about this question gave me a chance to analyze my goals wishes ambition.
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim – Assalamualaikum warahtullahhi wabarakatuh kali ini dosenpintarcom akan berbagi pengetahuan mengenai Lafadz/kalimat Bismillahirrahmanirrahim merupakan kalimat yang kerap digunakan sebagai kalimat pembuka segala kegiatan masyarakat muslim (umat Islam) Lafadz basmalah juga merupakan bacaan pembuka dari surat yang ada.
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BISMILLAH ASSALAMUALAIKUM. In today’s blog I am going to
Bismillah – before making a beginning In the name of Allah May Allah reward you – JazakAllahu khair for _expression of thanks May Allah reward you for the good BarakAllahu feekum – responding to someone’s thanks May Allah bless you Astaghfirullah – repenting for sins before Allah I beg Allah for forgiveness Aameen – the end of a Dua or prayer May it be so.
Bismillah Assalamualaikum Silentconfess Twitter
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Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim Meaning (Pronunciation)
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ Tulisan Arab Bismillah:
Meaning of Bismillah Wahiduddin
Bismillah Assalamualaikum
Bismillah Assalamualaikum. So today my blog is about all
Bism = meaning ‘with’ ‘by’ or ‘name’ ilah = Arabic word meaning “God” Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem are two of the 99 names of Allah which refer to Allah’s attribute of being kind gentle and merciful Putting this together you can come up with the translation “By the name of God (Allah) the allMerciful the especiallyMerciful”.