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The extra toe hens look like they are crossed with Silkie I used to have a silkie crossed with Ayam Cemani She had the feather feet She is in that video I posted above You can see she’s laying down in front Another half Silkie half Ayam Cemani walked by and you only see their feathered feet A neighbor adopted them both20201213202005242020020520131031.
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AslamoAlaikum (WaRehmatullaheWaBarakatoho)Welcome To Our Channel Cute ChicksDear Friends In This Video We bring in sufficient price for you the Silkie.
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Silkie chicken is a breed of chicken named for its typically fluffy feathers which is said to be like silk and satin This chicken is originally from China and has been believed by Chinese people as the medical purpose since many century ago Although their feather color are various and not only black silkie chickens has a black meat 3.
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The popular and wellknown Silkie breed can also exhibit this type of hyperpigmentation Ayam Cemani chicks are quite longlegged and to be a true Ayam Cemani must also be black all over On average the Ayam Cemani live for 6 to 8 years although this can be longer under the right living conditions.