Au Pair Stories. Au Pair Stories Ask an Au Pair Emily is inspired by all of Paris the art museums architecture cathedrals and the healthy culture around food and mealtimes Emily a 23year old from Minnesota lives with her host family in NeuillysurSeine on the outskirts of Paris.

In this section you can read real stories from au pairs about their au pair adventure their host families and all the great friends they've made on program Featured Au Pair Ana from Spain Host mom Nawsheen says about au pair Ana from Spain “We are absolutely in love with Ana as a person as a caretaker of our baby and as a member of our family”.
Au Pair Stories: Experience reports of Au Pairs from all over
Au Pair Stories Click on their pictures to read their stories! Priscila from Brazil Geraldine from Colombia Kingkamon from Thailand Jessica from Brazil Garazi.
Au Pair Stories – Au Pair Paris
Au Pair Horror Stories My Au Pair Nightmare in SydneyMaking Plans to Leave The Host FamilyMore DrugsEnough Is EnoughLeaving The Host FamilyAu Pair Horror Stories Should You Let Them Put You Off?For me it was partly the latter but mostly because the host dad was often extremely inappropriate towards me and I just didn’t feel comfortable around him When I first met the family I had a funny feeling about him Something just wasn’t right Instead of listening to my instinct I tried to ignore it I felt bad for the family and wanted to help them as their last aupair had just walked out – another big warning sign I chose to ignore Not long after moving in the dad started to make me feel uncomfortable For example on my 10th day living there he asked me if it was true that aupairs and host dads sometimes hook up He took my hand and told me I was very beautiful and asked whether I found him attractive (to which I replied no) He told me that previously it hadn’t been a problem having an aupair live in their house as the last aupair was ‘fat and ugly’ He also proceeded to tell me about the problems him and his wife were going through whilst pouring me drink after drink The next day I knew I just needed to make plans ASAP to get out of there No way did I want to stay with a family where the dad is regularly doing drugs And certainly I was not going to live with someone who was threatening and trying to pressurise me into doing things I wasn’t comfortable with I thought I would give the family 2 weeks notice and then leave pretending I would be flying back home as I had been offered a better paid job How could I tell the mum the real reason why I wanted to leave – because her husband was a creep being inappropriate towards me and offering me drugs I didn’t think she would believe me – this was definitely one of those au pair horror stories you only hear about right? But then I thought no I don’t want to be blamed for walking out on the family and breaking the contract I was being made to feel uncomfortable in my own home and the mum should know the real reason I am leaving But then if I told her for sure I would get kicked out by the dad o The following weekend the dad cornered me thanked me for not saying anything to the mum and asked if his drug taking had made me annoyed To which I replied much the same as to what I had said the week before if you want to do drugs that’s not my business but just do not pressure me or ask me if I want to do them as I am not interested When people start to pressure me that is when I start to get annoyed I am not into trying drugs just for the hell of it He then said that the stuff he got this time was really good though and that I should at least try it Clearly he did not listen to a word I said or respect my decision and values Again he pressured me several times into trying it with him Why was he so desperate for me to do it? Even if I did want to do drugs I would do them with friends and not a creepy 40 year old dad Of course after this I knew I had to get out I was so glad I had a plan – I would continue being able to afford living in Sydney by housesitting– looking after people’s houses for free when they go on holiday I would be able to live alone again which I was really looking forward to as living with a family in a small house had been so claustrophobic for me The dad clearly didn’t respect me or his wife if this was how he treats both of us I just felt so guilty all the time that I would be letting the mum down by leaving And the poor boy would be so upset as we got on really well and always had fun But at the end of the day I deserved happiness – this was my year abroad and yet the dad was just making life difficult and uneasy for me I confided in close friends and family back home It really helped having their support and I would recommend for any au pair going through a similar difficult situation to always talk to your loved ones or other au pairs if you are in a difficult I was incredibly anxious thinking about how I would tell the mum when I would leave Would she defend the dad would she cry would she shout at me? I had no idea how she would react Would she be in denial and accuse me of lying? I literally had no idea She knew full well he wasn’t perfect and had previously told me that so many times that year she had wanted to leave the dad but I don’t think she could ever go through with this I kept trying to rehearse in my head how I would tell the mum My housesit was starting from the Friday afternoon so I would leave on the Friday lunchtime The mum always worked from home on a Friday so I would tell her then I really wanted to tell her to her face but I didn’t know if I would have the guts to I hate confrontation If I felt I didn’t have the courage to tell her to her face I would leave a WhatsApp voice message Much better than just writing a note because at least in a voice message I can explain a lot more and she can hear my tone of I am not telling you this story to put you off being an au pair If you find the right family being an au pair can be the most incredible experience Several years back I worked as an au pair for a year in Italy and I had the best time You can read all about my experience of being an au pair in Italy in my article ‘Diary of an Au Pair‘ Many au pairs have an amazing time with their au pair family and still stay in touch years later But sadly unfortunately the odd au pair will experience bad situations and have horror stories to tell like I do.
Aupair Stories Wattpad
Au Pair from Ukraine tells her story by Elmaz on 16th Dec 2020 Elmaz Au Pair from Ukraine expresses her gratitude to the Host Family for their respect and love.
Au Pair Stories Oh The Crazy Things Kids Do Go Au Pair
AuPairCare Au Pair Stories Life as an Au Pair in America
Au Pair Stories Archives The Au Pair Blog
Au Pair Horror Stories: Au Pair Nightmare in Sydney
– Expert AuPair Au Pair Stories
The Au pair by Indigo child 241K 15K 14 An au pair (plural aux pairs) is a domestic assistant from a foreign country working for and living as part of a host family Typically aux pairs take on a share of teenage erotico aupair.