Aloysius Budi Santoso. Tantangan untuk mengubah pola kerja dan keterampilan yang dimiliki menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi Indonesia Chief of Corporate Human Capital Development Astra International dan Vice Chairperson APINDO Aloysius Budi Santoso mengatakan mayoritas industri atau perusahaan di Indonesia 70 persen pekerjanya hanya lulusan SD dan SMP.
Impact Podcast By Cir Astra Corp Industrial Relations Listen Notes from Listen Notes
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Astra International, Bersiap Sebelum Perubahan Datang
Astra International Groups is The Biggest Automotive Company in Indonesia with 210 companies in 7 different industries and more than 200000 employees.
Aloysius Budi Santoso, “Sistem Pengupahan di Indonesia
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Article: Innovation, the key to remain ahead of
Aloysius BUdi Santoso is Chief Human Capital Development Officer at PT Astra International Tbk.
Impact Podcast By Cir Astra Corp Industrial Relations Listen Notes
Astra Serahkan Bantuan Tahap Ketiga Bantu Pasien COVID19
Siasat Perusahaan Indonesia Hadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0
Aloysius BUdi Santoso Biography
Platform Belajar Online Indonesia QuBisa
Aloysius Budi Santoso
Aloysius Budi Santoso Chief Corporate Human Capital
Aloysius Budi Santoso Employee Experience Asia 2019
Untuk Rumah OTOPLUSONLINE I Astra Serahkan 30 Ventilator
Webinar on Bipartite and Mediation Mechanisms for
GLC TV Budi Santoso Indonesia / Aloysius AODN 2017 /
Aloysius Budi Santoso Profiles Facebook
Investasi Kesehatan, Prioritas Masa Depan Dunia Kerja
Investment in health as the priority for the future of work
Aloysius Budi Santoso week Future HR
Aloysius Budi Santoso Deputy for Employment of the Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo) Iwan Kusmawan Member of National Assembly of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unionn (KSPI) Ida Susanti Lecturer of.